Mawar Merah Harum Mewangi,
Jambangan Bunga berseri-seri
Doa restu kami iringi
Semoga Bahagia Kemudian Hari...
Jambangan Bunga berseri-seri
Doa restu kami iringi
Semoga Bahagia Kemudian Hari...
Don’t WaiT For TomoRrow...GraviTy is noT ResponSible foR peoPle to Fall in Love. It JusT hapPens…lovE is so BeauTiful....fuLL wiTh colouRs and caTch our gReat mOmenT n Love aNd abiDing inTo the picTuRe...!!! So plZZZ see FiRsT mY uPshoT n creaTiviTy then desiDe wheTher i caN be youR weDding phoTographeR..tQ 4 spenDing youR timE here....!!!